Tag: drug

  • Health

    Women more likely to suffer drug side effects, but reason may not be biology

    Studies debunk prevailing belief, highlight series of gender-based social factors

    3 minutes
    Sarah Richardson.
  • Health

    Bacterial blockade

    Harvard researchers have identified a pair of genes that appear to be responsible for allowing a specific strain of bacteria in the human gut to break down Lanoxin — a widely prescribed cardiac drug — into an inactive compound, as well as a possible way to turn the process off.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Developing cancer drugs

    Harvard Stem Cell Institute researchers have identified in the most aggressive forms of cancer a gene known to regulate embryonic stem cell self-renewal, beginning a creative search for a drug that can block its activity.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Transforming cancer treatment

    Professor Martin Nowak is one of several co-authors of a paper, published in Nature on June 28,that outlines a new approach to cancer treatment that could make many cancers manageable, if not curable, by overcoming resistance to certain drug treatments.

    5 minutes
  • Health

    Experimental drug improves Cushing’s disease

    A new investigational drug significantly reduced urinary cortisol levels and improved symptoms of Cushing’s disease in the largest clinical study of this endocrine disorder ever conducted.

    5 minutes