Tag: Anupam Jena

  • Health

    Spare the medical resident and spoil nothing

    Hours of medical residents were capped at 80 per week in 2003 after a string of patient injuries and deaths, spurring fears that doctors-in-training would be less prepared for independent practice than before. A new study suggests their warnings were largely unjustified.

    4 minutes
    Doctor and assistant looking at a clipboard
  • Health

    The difference a year makes

    A Harvard study has found that children born in August in states with a Sept. 1 cutoff birth date for school enrollment have a 30 percent higher risk for ADHD diagnosis than peers born in September, which may reflect overdiagnosis.

    6 minutes
    Little boy is doing handprint
  • Health

    Basic care increases odds when headed to the hospital

    Patients with trauma, stroke, heart attack, and respiratory failure who were transported by basic life support ambulances had a better chance of survival than patients who were transported by advanced life support ambulances, a study of Medicare patients in urban counties nationwide found.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Reduced residents’ hours a healthy move

    A Harvard study finds that reduced resident work hours mandated by 2003 national reforms have not led to lower-quality physicians completing residency, as measured by hospital length of stay and inpatient mortality.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Looming malpractice

    The average physician will spend more than 10 percent of his or her career facing an open malpractice claim. Some specialists will spend upwards of 27 percent.

    4 minutes