Tag: weight loss

  • Health

    Eat the chocolate, lose the weight?

    A new study finds postmenopausal women eating a concentrated amount of chocolate during a narrow window of time in the morning may help the body burn fat and decrease blood sugar levels.

    2 minutes
  • Health

    CAGEs lock up fats to treat obesity

    Harvard researchers have found an orally administered liquid salt — choline and geranate — that can reduce the absorption of fats from food with no discernable side effects in rats, lowering total body weight by about 12 percent.

    6 minutes
    Portrait of a rat.
  • Health

    Zeroing in on long-term weight loss

    The types of calories consumed may influence how likely you are to keep that weight off for the long term, according to a Harvard study.

    5 minutes
    woman feet standing on weigh scales,
  • Health

    Researchers probe stomach surgery’s ‘miracle’ secrets

    Harvard researchers are bringing an engineer’s perspective to a medical mystery — how does gastric bypass surgery do so much more than reduce weight?

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Major weight loss tied to microbes

    In a study conducted by Harvard and MGH researchers, gut microbes of mice underwent drastic changes following gastric bypass surgery, and transfer of the microbes into sterile mice resulted in rapid weight loss.

    4 minutes