Tag: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

  • Health

    Fears arise that new federal fetal-tissue restrictions will hobble a ‘workhorse’ of research

    With the Trump administration halting fetal tissue research at two prominent scientific institutions and new plans to review such research elsewhere, Harvard Medical School Dean George Daley discussed the importance of research using these tissues, which would otherwise be discarded, in creating vaccines and treatments and enhancing our understanding of human biology.

    10 minutes
    George Daley speaking into a microphone
  • Health

    Improving health care in China, U.S.

    Health officials from China and the United States gathered at Harvard Medical School to examine common challenges and solutions as the two global giants seek to reform national health care systems to improve access and care, while lowering costs.

    6 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Tanzania-HSPH AIDS clinic opens

    U.S. and Tanzanian government officials opened a new research and treatment center for Tanzania’s sickest AIDS patients Friday (July 22), to be operated by Tanzanian health officials in partnership with the Harvard School of Public Health.

    4 minutes