Tag: Shelley Carson

  • Campus & Community

    This fall, a library for all

    This fall, for the first time, all students enrolled at the Extension School have access to the same library services and spaces as students in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

    3 minutes
    Students talking to librarian
  • Health

    When depression and anxiety loom

    Two new books from Harvard Health Publications are aimed at people who have more than normal levels of anxiety and depression but fall short of clinical definitions.

    5 minutes
  • Health

    Harnessing your creative brain

    Shelley Carson, a researcher in the Psychology Department and lecturer at the Extension School, has penned a how-to book on harnessing your untapped abilities.

    4 minutes
  • Campus & Community

    The brains behind writer’s block

    “It’s likely that writing and other creative work involve a push-pull interaction between the frontal and temporal lobes,” Harvard Medical School neurology instructor Alice Flaherty speculates. If the temporal lobe…

    1 minute
  • Health

    The links between creativity, intelligence, and mental illness

    “Scientists have wondered for a long time why madness and creativity seem linked, particularly in artists, musicians, and writers,” notes Shelley Carson, a Harvard psychologist. “Our research results indicate that…

    1 minute