Tag: RNAs

  • Health

    A man of endless curiosity

    Emre Basar seeks to understand how small interfering RNA (siRNA) can be harnessed and integrated into cells with the goal of silencing the expression of certain proteins that allow diseases like breast cancer and HIV to proliferate inside the body.

    9 minutes
  • Campus & Community

    Paul C. Zamecnik

    Paul Charles Zamecnik, the Collis P. Huntington Professor of Oncologic Medicine Emeritus, died in Boston on Oct. 27, 2009, at the age of 96. During a research career that spanned more than 70 years, he made a series of scientific contributions that represented multiple fields of biochemistry and molecular biology.

    8 minutes
  • Health

    Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation awards fellowships to Harvard scientists

    The Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation, a nonprofit organization focused on supporting exceptional early career researchers and innovative cancer research, has selected four Harvard affiliates to receive Damon Runyon fellowships at its May 2009 Fellowship Award Committee review.

    2 minutes