Tag: Richard T. Lee

  • Campus & Community

    A fascination with fixing bodies

    After college, Joshua Wortzel plans to build upon his Harvard research that focused on tissue regeneration. He hopes to work in translational medicine, helping to create drugs that might augment patients’ lives.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Making old hearts younger

    Two Harvard Stem Cell Institute researchers have identified a protein in the blood of mice and humans that may prove to be the first effective treatment for the form of age-related heart failure that affects millions of Americans, a study says.

    7 minutes
  • Health

    Birth of new cardiac cells

    In a study from Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital, researchers used a novel method to identify the new heart cells and describe their origins.

    2 minutes
  • Health

    Helping the heart help itself

    Stem cells being transfused into post-heart attack patients may not be developing into new heart muscle, but they still appear to be beneficial. Some stem cells in the bone marrow, called c-kit+ cells, appear capable of stimulating adult stem cells already present in the heart to repair damaged tissue.

    3 minutes