Tag: Richard Marlink

  • Health

    In Africa, success against AIDS

    AIDS researchers gathered at the Harvard School of Public Health to mark 10 years of work under a landmark federal anti-AIDS program that has led to significant progress against the epidemic.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Plotting the demise of AIDS

    Hundreds of scientists, activists, doctors, and others who have been on the front lines battling the HIV virus, gathered on Harvard’s Longwood campus for a conference reflecting on progress against the ailment, while rededicating themselves to end the epidemic.

    5 minutes
  • Campus & Community

    HSPH find AIDS drugs work well in Botswana

    Africa’s first large-scale public program to distribute critical AIDS drugs to a developing nation is as successful as similar programs in industrialized countries, a Harvard School of Public Health study has shown, helping put to rest concerns that such programs can’t work in developing nations.

    2 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Harvard faculty press aggressive agenda for AIDS fight in Africa

    A statement signed by more than 100 Harvard faculty members calls upon wealthy countries, in partnership with poor countries, to establish a global trust fund to make life-prolonging antiretroviral therapy…

    1 minute