Tag: Psoriasis

  • Health

    Uncovering a culprit behind the itch

    Scientists identify common microbe that activates nerve cells in the skin, igniting the urge to scratch

    6 minutes
    Hand scratching an arm.
  • Health

    Vitamin D supplements lower risk of autoimmune disease, researchers say

    A new study finds vitamin D supplements with or without omega-3s decreased the risk of autoimmune diseases by 22 percent compared to placebo.

    4 minutes
    Vitamin D.
  • Science & Tech

    Getting under the skin of psoriasis

    Researchers have created a treatment that when applied directly to the skin in a mouse model of psoriasis, significantly reduces levels of inflammation and symptoms of psoriasis without systemic side effects.

    6 minutes
    IL-siRNA molecular dynamic simulation.
  • Health

    From leaf to itch

    Harvard researchers have riddled the role of a molecule key to eruption of the torturous blisters as well as an antibody that interrupts the inflammatory response, opening the way to potential relief for careless hikers.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    New genetic links for Crohn’s, colitis

    Researchers find that they have the necessary starting material to understand the pathways that contribute to Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, and they also have a framework to better appreciate that these may not be two distinct diseases, but rather collections of many different diseases.

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Exercise reduces psoriasis risk

    A study by researchers at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital adds to the list of medical problems that exercise eases, showing that vigorous activity reduces a woman’s risk of developing the skin condition psoriasis by 25 to 30 percent over the study subject who exercised the least.

    3 minutes