Tag: OTD

  • Campus & Community

    Harvard Grid to help researchers make leap from lab to startup

    The new initiative is designed to help speed up the translation of innovations from University labs into startups that bring to market products and services addressing climate change, alternative energy, sustainability, and other global challenges.

    4 minutes
    Science and Engineering Complex, where the Grid will be housed.
  • Science & Tech

    Pancreas on a chip

    Islet-on-a-chip technology allows clinicians to easily determine the therapeutic value of beta cells for any given patient.

    5 minutes
    Islet on a chip
  • Science & Tech

    ‘Any patient with any disease’

    Developed through Harvard’s Blavatnik Biomedical Accelerator, an innovative immune-silent stem cell technology could lead to novel cell therapies to treat “any patient with any disease.”

    4 minutes
    Chad Cowen
  • Campus & Community

    Deerfield commits $100M to create alliance with Harvard

    With $100 million in initial funding, the health care investment firm Deerfield Management has established a major strategic R&D alliance with Harvard that will support early stage research and invest in the success of preclinical and clinical-stage commercial development.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Harvard licenses genotyping platform

    Harvard University has granted a license to Aldatu Biosciences Inc., an early-stage diagnostics development company, for a novel genotyping platform that may help clinicians treating HIV to determine more quickly the most effective medication for each patient.

    6 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Advancing ingenuity

    Between academic discovery and product development lurks a lull in research funding that inventors call the “chasm of death,” where a prototype or a proof of concept can feel just…

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  • Science & Tech

    Funding success, and finding it

    Four years ago, Harvard’s Office of Technology Development launched its Accelerator Fund, a $10 million revolving account to be used as a bridge across the “valley” between creation and development. The fund is proving to be just such a bridge.

    6 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Guiding discoveries to the public

    Harvard’s Office of Technology Development tries to ensure that the public sees the benefits of Harvard’s research by licensing new technology to companies.

    4 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Innovate, create

    From oddities like breathable chocolate to history-making devices with profound societal effects, like the heart pacemaker, Harvard’s combination of questing minds, restless spirits, and intellectual seekers fosters creativity and innovation that’s finding an outlet in new inventions and companies.

    12 minutes