Tag: Mitochondria

  • Health

    New clues to Alzheimer’s disease

    McLean Hospital researchers have found energy dysfunction in the cells of late-onset Alzheimer’s patients, which may be a piece of the disease’s complex puzzle.

    6 minutes
  • Health

    In pursuit of healthy aging

    Manipulating mitochondrial networks inside cells may increase lifespan and promote health, according to a new study.

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  • Health

    A new understanding of Alzheimer’s

    Using the principle of natural selection, researchers have outlined a new model of the disease suggesting that mitochondria — power plants for cells — might be at its center.

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  • Health

    In obesity battle, beige is the new brown

    Scientists at Harvard-affiliated Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have isolated a new type of energy-burning fat cell in adult humans, which they say may have therapeutic potential for treating obesity.

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  • Health

    Alzheimer’s-like changes in the brain

    A study by researchers at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital indicates that the inhaled anesthetic isoflurane impairs learning and memory in mammalian brains by damaging mitochondria, a finding that suggests the anesthetic desflurane may be a better choice for Alzheimer’s patients and others susceptible to cognitive dysfunction.

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  • Health

    Cell’s linchpin protein found

    After decades of failed efforts, researchers have discovered, through a combination of digital database mining and laboratory assays, the linchpin protein that drives mitochondria’s calcium machinery.

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  • Health

    The ‘core pathway’ of aging

    Harvard researchers at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have identified the root molecular cause of a variety of ills brought on by advanced age, including waning energy, failure of the heart and other organs, and metabolic disorder.

    5 minutes
  • Health

    A new target for Parkinson’s therapy

    In a new finding from Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), researchers identify a link between Parkinson’s disease onset and dysfunctional activity of energy genes in the brain and identify a potential therapeutic target to reverse this energy gene failure.

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