Tag: Methylmercury

  • Science & Tech

    Human health risks from hydroelectric projects

    Harvard researchers found 90 percent of new or proposed hydroelectric power plants will increase the concentration of toxic methylmercury in the food web near indigenous communities in Canada.

    5 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Poison in Arctic and human cost of ‘clean’ energy

    The amount of methylmercury, a potent neurotoxin, is especially high in Arctic marine life but until recently, scientists haven’t been able to explain why. Now, research from the Harvard suggests that high levels of methylmercury in Arctic life are a byproduct of global warming and the melting of sea-ice in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions.

    7 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Toxic mercury springs from a hidden source

    Environmental scientists at Harvard have discovered that the Arctic accumulation of mercury, a toxic element, is caused by both atmospheric forces and the flow of circumpolar rivers that carry the element north into the Arctic Ocean.

    5 minutes