Tag: Matthew Meyerson

  • Health

    Colon cancer connection

    Scientists at Harvard-afilliated Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Broad Institute have found strikingly high levels of a bacterium in colorectal cancers, a sign that it might contribute to the disease and potentially be a key to diagnosing, preventing, and treating it.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Challenge of finding a cure

    A large, multidisciplinary panel has recently selected 12 pioneering ideas for attacking type 1 diabetes, ideas selected through a crowdsourcing experiment called the “Challenge,” in which all members of the Harvard community, as well as members of the general public, were invited to answer the question: What do we not know to cure type 1…

    12 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Another piece of cancer puzzle falls into place

    An international team of researchers has created a genome-scale map of 26 cancers, revealing more than 100 genomic sites where DNA from tumors is either missing or abnormally duplicated compared to normal tissues.…

    4 minutes
  • Health

    Study paints genetic portrait of lung cancer

    An international team of scientists today announced the results of a systematic effort to map the genetic changes underlying lung cancer, the world’s leading cause of cancer deaths. Appearing in…

    6 minutes
  • Health

    DNA-scanning technology finds possible sites of cancer genes in chromosomes of lung cancer cell

    In a study in the July 1, 2005 issue of the journal Cancer Research, the researchers used single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array technology to identify regions of chromosomes where genes…

    1 minute
  • Science & Tech

    Genetic computation tells man from microbe

    By one estimate (based on bacteria counts in the colon or stool samples), microbes that call our bodies home outnumber human cells 10 to 1. Most of the bacteria, viruses,…

    1 minute
  • Science & Tech

    Human genome sequence yields new tool for microbe-hunting

    Microbiologists have traditionally identified pathogens (disease-causing organisms) by growing them in a laboratory dish from a sample of infected tissue. But not all pathogens can be cultured this way. Molecular…

    1 minute
  • Science & Tech

    Diagnosis by database shows promise

    A relatively new approach to researching cancer involves looking at the actions of thousands of genes in cancer tumors. This technique just recently became possible because, using new applications of…

    1 minute