Tag: Kyrgyzstan

  • Campus & Community

    The path to fighting injustice

    Lillian Langford, graduating with degrees from Harvard Law School and Harvard Kennedy School, plans to use her experience working in international law and human rights and her experience at Harvard to continue fighting injustice.

    3 minutes
  • Nation & World

    The man from Kyrgyzstan

    Historian Baktybek Beshimov, a former diplomat and parliamentarian, fled political unrest in his homeland to research and write in Harvard’s Scholars at Risk program.

    4 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Economics in the apple heartland

    A Harvard doctoral student has traveled to the wild apple’s home in the mountains of Central Asia to lend a hand to an international nonprofit working with local apple farmers to improve how they grow, harvest, and sell their crops. Plamen Nikolov, a first-year Ph.D. student in health economics, has designed an assessment survey and…

    5 minutes