Tag: James Mallet

  • Science & Tech

    Why are hybrid animals sterile?

    Study of crossbred butterflies suggests multiple genes involved

    3 minutes
    Chinese peacock swallow butterflies.
  • Science & Tech

    A clue to biodiversity?

    An analysis of 20 butterfly genomes found evidence that many butterfly species — including distantly related species — show a surprisingly high amount of gene flow between them, Harvard researchers found.

    5 minutes
    Heliconius xanthocles butterfly illustration with wings spread.
  • Health

    Vivid details

    A landmark effort to sequence the genome of the butterfly Heliconius melpomene has revealed that it shares genes that control color patterns with two species that closely mimic its appearance — Heliconius timareta and Heliconius elevatus — suggesting that all three exchange genes as a result of occasional hybridization.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Re-examining Darwin’s thoughts on species

    Radcliffe Fellow James Mallet says Darwin’s idea of speciation as a step in a continuum of differences reflects reality in nature.

    3 minutes