Tag: hearing loss

  • Health

    New hope for easing stigma and isolation of hearing loss

    Audiologist says FDA green light for over-the-counter devices has potential to drive down cost, increase access and innovation.

    7 minutes
    Meaghan Reed.
  • Science & Tech

    A promise to a friend

    Wei Hsi “Ariel” Yeh dedicated her research in chemistry to solving some of the vast genetic mysteries behind hearing loss.

    4 minutes
    Person wearing hearing aid.
  • Science & Tech

    Hidden hearing loss revealed

    Harvard researchers have found two biomarkers that may help explain why a person with normal hearing struggles to follow conversations in noisy environments.

    4 minutes
    Illustration of an ear getting sound signals.
  • Science & Tech

    Single letter speaks volumes

    Scientists have used an optimized version of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing system to prevent hearing loss in so-called Beethoven mice, which carry a genetic mutation that causes profound hearing loss in humans and mice alike.

    9 minutes
  • Health

    Longer use of pain relievers tied to hearing loss in women

    A Harvard study has found that women who used ibuprofen or acetaminophen for six years or more were at higher risk of hearing loss than those who used these medications for a year or less.

    2 minutes
  • Health

    Pain relievers increase hearing loss risk

    According to a study by researchers at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital, women who took ibuprofen or acetaminophen two or more days per week had an increased risk of hearing loss.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Hard on the ears

    Researchers at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital have determined that hearing loss in adolescents has increased over the past 15 years.

    2 minutes