Tag: DREAM Act

  • Campus & Community

    Stuck between two lives

    Alfredo Garcia, an undocumented student at Harvard Divinity School, is pursuing a master’s in theological studies. He also works to help undocumented youths pursue higher education, and advocates for immigration reform.

    5 minutes
  • Arts & Culture

    Portrait of the Tea Party

    New book documents a rising movement of likable people with offbeat ideas, who constitute a major influence on the Republican Party in this presidential election.

    4 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Faust, student thank senator for help

    President Drew Faust and Eric Balderas ’13 paid a visit to Sen. Richard Durbin’s office on Capitol Hill Wednesday (Sept. 15) to express their gratitude for his support of the DREAM Act and his assistance in helping the Harvard student avoid deportation earlier this year.

    2 minutes