Tag: Algorithm

  • Campus & Community

    Matchmaker, matchmaker put me in your algorithm

    After 25 Valentine’s Days, Datamatch, a student-run online matchmaking service that pairs Harvard students for a date, is going nationwide.

    4 minutes
    Computer screen with lines connecting buildings.
  • Science & Tech

    Where cooperation thrives

    Harvard scientists helped develop an algorithm for predicting whether a social structure is likely to favor cooperation.

    5 minutes
  • Health

    Teaching computers to identify odors

    Using a machine-learning algorithm, researchers were able to “train” a computer to recognize the neural patterns associated with various scents, and identify whether specific odors were present in a mix of smells.

    4 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Seeking fairness in ads

    Latanya Sweeney, Harvard professor of government and technology in residence, wants to add a new factor to the weighting Google uses when delivering online ads, one that measures bias. In a new paper, she describes how such a calculation could be built into the ad-delivery algorithm Google uses.

    4 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Dealing with data

    A computer program developed by brothers David and Yakir Reshef, together with Professors Michael Mitzenmacher and Pardis Sabeti, enables researchers to scour massive data sets for meaningful relationships that might otherwise have been missed.

    5 minutes