• Health

    The difference a year makes

    A Harvard study has found that children born in August in states with a Sept. 1 cutoff birth date for school enrollment have a 30 percent higher risk for ADHD diagnosis than peers born in September, which may reflect overdiagnosis.

    6 minutes
    Little boy is doing handprint
  • Science & Tech

    Ph.D. with ADHD brings can-do focus to science, life

    Diagnosed with ADHD, Ph.D. candidate Jennifer Kotler uses clinical and genetic studies to reinterpret how humans think.

    7 minutes
    Jennifer Kotler
  • Health

    ADHD linked to substance abuse risk

    In a long-term study by Harvard researchers, data support the association between childhood ADHD and substance abuse risk.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Major step in autism testing

    Researchers at Harvard-affiliated McLean Hospital and the University of Utah have developed the best biologically based test for autism to date. The test was able to detect the disorder in individuals with high-functioning autism with 94 percent accuracy.

    3 minutes