Insights, discoveries, and analysis from Harvard scholars and scientists.
Is small thinking the new American way?
Study says tighter land-use controls have hurt productivity and innovation among builders, fueling housing crisis
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Science & Tech
Landmark studies track source of Indo-European languages spoken by 40% of world
Researchers place Caucasus Lower Volga people, speakers of ancestor tongue, in today’s Russia about 6,500 years ago
Different day, different diagnosis?
Study finds spike in ADHD cases on Halloween, highlighting stakes of cognitive bias in medicine
One way to save lives in jails
Researchers who studied healthcare in dozens of facilities link accreditation to better collaboration and treatment and fewer deaths
The brain’s gatekeepers
HMS research IDs special class of cells that safeguard immunity and memory, and may one day treat neurodegenerative disease
Nation & World
Need to boost population? Encourage dads to step up at home.
New historical research by economist Claudia Goldin finds link between fertility rates, gender roles
How exactly does ketamine work? New research offers insight.
Anesthetic growing in popularity as game-changing therapy for severe, treatment-resistant depression
Examining new weight-loss drugs, pediatric bariatric patients
Researcher says study found variation in practices, discusses safety concerns overall for younger users
Shingles may increase risk of cognitive decline
Availability of vaccine offers opportunity to reduce burden of shingles and possible dementia
Finding lessons on power of federally funded childcare for working mothers
New research by Claudia Goldin takes look at World War II-era Lanham Act
Loving your pup may be a many splendored thing
New research suggests having connection to your dog may lower depression, anxiety
Looking at how prejudice is learned, passed
Research suggests power, influence of watching behavior of others
Aspirin may help cut colorectal cancer risk
New research suggests those with less healthy lifestyles may get highest benefit from regular use
How moms may be affecting STEM gender gap
Research suggests encouragement toward humanities appears to be very influential for daughters
Faster ‘in a dish’ model may speed up treatment for Parkinson’s
Could result in personalized models to test diagnostic and treatment strategies
How did life begin on Earth? A lightning strike of an idea.
Researchers mimic early conditions on barren planet to test hypothesis of ancient electrochemistry
Fixing key flaw in revolutionary cancer treatment
Researchers devise way to boost CAR T-cell therapy to potentially ensure it doesn’t fade prematurely
Economic prospects brighten for children of low-income Black Americans, study finds
Opportunity Insights also finds gap widening between whites at top, bottom
Can good sleep help prevent diabetes?
Study links irregular sleep patterns with higher disease risk
Between bright light and a good mood, plenty of sleep
Researchers outline path to lower risk of depression
The answer to your search may depend on where you live
Researchers find ‘language bias’ in various site algorithms, raising concerns about fallout for social divisions among nations
You won’t even know you’re exercising, but your body will
Real surfing is better than channel surfing, says research focused on healthy aging. But housework is better than nothing.
What’s another word for ‘neuronal map-maker’?
Researchers discover microscopic ‘brain thesaurus’ that lets neurons derive meaning from spoken words
Alzheimer’s study finds diet, lifestyle changes yield improvements
Can diet and lifestyle reverse early Alzheimer’s? A pilot study raises hopes.
There’s much to be grateful for in giving thanks
Elderly may harvest benefits from the attitude alone
Could high office-vacancy rates damage economy this year?
Kenneth Rogoff sees tough road for some banks as surge of real estate loans come due by 2025, but doesn’t expect wider meltdown
Stroke risk higher for the chronically lonely
Study of adults over 50 examines how feelings boost threat over time
Americans hate inflation, full stop
No traction for more positive economic developments, research says
History of Chichén Itzá written in DNA
Research using new method upends narrative on ritual sacrifices, yields discovery on resistance built to colonial-era epidemics
Does AI help humans make better decisions?
One judge’s track record — with and without algorithm — surprises researchers
DNR orders for Down syndrome patients far exceeded pandemic norm
Co-author sees need for additional research and earlier, deeper conversations around care
Tracking entwined histories of malaria, humans
New study of ancient genomes tracks disease over 5,500 years, factors in spread, including trade, warfare, colonialism, and slavery
Researchers reverse hair loss caused by alopecia
Treatment holds promise for painlessly targeting affected areas without weakening immune system
Binge eating appears more widespread, persistent than thought
New research takes broader, deeper look at common, but poorly understood, disorder
Want to make robots more agile? Take a lesson from a rat.
Scientists create realistic virtual rodent with digital neural network to study how brain controls complex, coordinated movement
Alzheimer’s disease indicators track with biological changes in brain, study finds
Researchers see self-reported memory loss may be early, preclinical warning
More than a planetary fender-bender
New study finds Earth collided with dense interstellar cloud, possibly affecting life on planet