It’s lights out
Harvard joins Earth Hour for its global-wide energy-saving event
For the second consecutive year, Harvard University will join in the city of Boston by turning out the lights for “Earth Hour,” a major community awareness event about climate change, taking place in Boston and cities worldwide. Earth Hour is organized by the World Wildlife Fund with the purpose of raising awareness about climate change and to showcase how individual contributions collectively add to the larger solution.
Earth Hour 2010 will take place on Saturday (March 27) from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. Participants are asked to extinguish nonessential lighting during this hour. Last year, every School at Harvard and all major units participated.
Earth Hour gives members of the Harvard community an opportunity to join more than 1,000 cities in 116 countries around the world to demonstrate how universities, businesses, and civic leaders are partners working together to reduce the risks of climate change and encourage individual action.
As a leader in campus sustainability, Harvard is encouraging its community to participate by turning off nonessential lights in highly visible locations during this hour.
In addition, students are encouraged to not use computers and nonessential energy during this hour, and faculty and staff members are asked to turn off nonessential lights and their computers before leaving for the weekend, as well as at home.
For more information, visit the Earth Hour 2010 Web site.