Campus & Community

Police reports

3 min read

Following are some of the incidents reported to the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) for the week ending May 4. The official log is located at 1033 Massachusetts Ave., sixth floor, and is available online at

April 30: At Hamilton Hall, an officer was dispatched to take a report of stolen audio equipment. An officer was dispatched to Gund Hall to a report of an individual urinating on the Swedenborg Chapel. The officer conducted a field interview, checked the individual for warrants with negative results, and sent them on their way. At Massachusetts Avenue and Dunster Street, an officer observed an individual known to them with a warrant and placed the individual under arrest.

May 1: An officer assisted the Cambridge Police Department (CPD) with a fire in the mulch at Massachusetts Avenue and Mt. Auburn Street. The fire was extinguished. An officer was dispatched to Widener Library to a report of a disturbance where two individuals were involved in a verbal argument. The officer was informed that one of the individual’s book and notes were stolen. At the Kennedy School Littauer Building, officers were dispatched to take a report of an unwanted guest in the building. Officers located the individual, who was checked for warrants with negative results and sent on their way with a trespass warning for all Harvard University property.

May 2: At the Memorial Church, an officer reported a large group on the stairs of the building yelling. An officer reported that one individual was yelling at the top of the stairs and two individuals were holding bottles of alcohol. The officer spoke to two individuals who stated the incident was a prank. The officer confiscated the alcohol and sent the individuals on their way. At Adams House, $65 in cash was stolen. An officer was dispatched to 10 Dewolfe St. to take a report of an unwanted guest in the building. Officers located the individual, issued them a trespass warning for all Harvard University property, and sent them on their way.

May 3: At 1124 Massachusetts Ave., a Harvard University Police Department officer assisted the CPD with a report of two individuals fighting. Upon arrival the officers were informed that an individual struck another individual because they would not let them into their residence. The officer reported that the individual did not want to press charges against the other. At Lowell House, an officer observed an individual running on top of the roof of a vehicle, which sustained dents and scratches. The officer spoke to the individual who apologized. At Gordon Track, an officer was dispatched to take a report of a driver’s side window that was broken by a rock. At Eliot House, an officer was dispatched to take a report of a sudden death.

May 4: An officer was dispatched to Leverett House to take a report of a stolen camcorder. At 1 Trowbridge St. officers observed an individual with two bicycles behaving suspiciously. Officers conducted a field interview, checked the individual for warrants with negative results, and sent them on their way.

Since April 30, six bicycles and five laptops have been reported stolen.