Three from Harvard are Gates Scholars
In October 2006, the sixth annual contingent of new Gates Scholars, selected from countries around the world, will begin graduate studies at the University of Cambridge, England. Recently, 40 successful candidates from the United States, including three Harvard affiliates, were among the latest round of recipients.
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Gates Cambridge Scholarship
These University-affiliates include Harvard College alumnus Krishnan Subrahmanian ’03, currently teaching high school in Mission, S.D., who will study for a master’s degree in education; Harvard College senior Inna Zakharevich, who will pursue graduate studies in pure mathematics; and first-year Harvard Law School student Adam Jed, who will pursue a master’s degree in modern society and global transformations while continuing his law-school studies.
This latest round of Harvard students and graduates follows the more than 30 Harvard students who have been awarded Gates Cambridge Scholarships since the program began in 2001.
Since the start of the scholarship program, nearly 300 scholars have completed their studies at Cambridge, and have now gone on to other fields of endeavor around the world. They are already starting to contribute solutions to many difficult issues, fulfilling the intention of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which established the scholarships.
“We need highly educated leaders, skilled in research and analysis, who will undertake a creative approach to defining and solving problems so that we can address the injustices and inequities around our world,” wrote Bill Gates. “On graduation from Cambridge, Gates Scholars are in an ideal position to bring new vision and apply their learning to the benefit of society at large.”
From global nongovernmental organizations to multinational corporations, from government offices to inner city classrooms, Gates Scholar alumni are already putting their Cambridge experience to work.
In the first five years of the program, 527 students from 72 countries have taken up their scholarships at Cambridge. The Gates Scholars currently at Cambridge come from 47 different countries.
Gates Cambridge Scholars are chosen after a series of interviews that take place at different times of the year for different countries. All entering scholars must have earned at least one degree from another college or university.