Events related to Iraq and the Middle East, including support services
For event listings, see the Harvard Gazette Calendar
Today (April 3) – “The Intellectual Foundation of al-Qaeda.” (WCFIA, CMES) Mamoun Fandy, Georgetown University. Mezzanine Seminar Room, WCFIA, 1033 Mass. Ave., 4 p.m.
Today (April 3) – “Human Rights and American Power: An Inherent Oxymoron or a Necessary Merger?” (Social Studies) Samantha Power, KSG. Junior Common Room, Adams House, 5 p.m. A reception to follow. Please RSVP to
April 9 – “Hamas, Taliban, and the Jewish Underground: An Economist’s View of Radical Religious Militias.” (Project on Religion, Political Economy, and Society) Eli Berman, Rice University. Littauer M-15, North Yard, 1 p.m.
April 12-13 – “Promoting Understanding Between the Arab World and the U.S.” (Society of Arab Students, Arab Alumni Association) Speakers include Jean AbiNader, managing director, Arab American Institute; Ahmed Bouzid, president, Palestine Media Watch; Julia Devlin, World Bank Official; Audrey Shabbas, executive director, AWAIR; Jerry Tully, former executive producer, MSNBC; and others. Harvard Yard. Registration must be completed prior to the conference by visiting
April 22 – “From the Muslim Brothers to the Party of the Center: Transformations in Islamist Politics.” (CMES) Saoud al-Mawlah, Lebanese University, Beirut, former adviser, The Islamic Shi’ite Supreme Council, and founder, Lebanese National Committee for Muslim-Christian Dialogue. 4th floor seminar room, CMES, 1430 Mass. Ave., noon.
April 24 – “Kuwait’s Economic Quandary and U.S. Policy in the Gulf.” (WCFIA, CMES) Karen Pfeifer, Smith College. Mezzanine level seminar room (M11), WCFIA, 4 p.m.
April 29 – “U.S. Middle East Policy in the Bush Administration.” (CMES) Augustus Richard Norton, Boston University. 4th floor seminar room, CMES, 1430 Mass. Ave., 1 p.m.
April 30 – “Offensive Posturing or Defensive Posture? Turkey’s Strategic Positioning in the ‘War on Terror.’” (CMES, Study Group on Modern Turkey) Barak Salmoni, Moravian College. College House, CMES, 1430 Mass. Ave., 4:15 p.m.
“Exhibition on Terrorism.” (Through April) – Government Documents/Microforms, Level One, Lamont Library.
Links from the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) for lectures etc.:
Ongoing – Life Raft support group. Meetings every Wednesday, until further notice, led by Ellen Haley and Barbara Gilmore. From noon to 2 p.m. in the basement of the Memorial Church and from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in Phillips Brooks House Room 307.
Ongoing – Center for Wellness and Health Communication. Drop in and speak with a clinician from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday; and Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. until 6 p.m., until further notice.
– Compiled by Georgia Bellas