Campus & Community

KSG announces third cycle of Kuwait research grants

1 min read

The John F. Kennedy School of Government (KSG) has announced the third grant cycle for the Kuwait Program Research Fund. With generous support from the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, a KSG faculty committee will consider applications for small one-year grants (up to $30,000) to support advanced research by Harvard University faculty members on issues of critical importance to Kuwait and the Persian Gulf. Grants can be applied toward research assistance, travel, summer salary, and course buyout.

Priority will be given to research concerning election processes; water resources and management; oil and petrochemicals; applied research, education, and training related to the environment and pollution; and public health policy, including disease treatment and prevention, although applications will be considered in other areas.

Collaborative research with Kuwaiti academics and educational institutions is strongly encouraged. There are no formal application forms. Inquiries and research proposals (not exceeding five pages), including a budget, other sources of funding, and a curriculum vitae for senior researchers, may be sent to the associate director of the Middle East Initiative, KSG, 104 Mt. Auburn St., office 317, Cambridge, MA 02138. The deadline is Nov. 15. Decisions will be announced Dec. 15.