Campus & Community

In Brief

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Joint Center fellowship program accepting applications

The Emerging Leaders Fellowship Program – a competitive master’s level program for students in all of Harvard’s professional schools and related academic departments of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences – will accept two fellows this summer. Sponsored by the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corp., the NeighborWorks Network, and the Joint Center for Housing Studies, the program will allow fellows to select and undertake an analytical policy research project with advising from Joint Center faculty. This year’s housing and community development topics address issues of immediate concern to the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corp. and the NeighborWorks Network. The deadline for applications is Friday, Feb. 15.

For more information and application requirements call or e-mail Elizabeth England at (617) 495-7640 or

RCC grants available

Real Colegio Complutense (RCC), a nonprofit organization established by Complutense University of Madrid in cooperation with Harvard University, is now offering summer research grants to outstanding undergraduate and graduate Harvard students. Research projects must be related to papers, senior honors theses, or dissertations supervised by a Harvard professor or department, and should have Spain or Spanish-related subjects as a central theme.

Application materials are available at 26 Trowbridge St., or on the Web at The deadline for submitting applications is Friday, March 1.

Study Counsel to offer Reading and Study Strategy seminar

The Bureau of Study Counsel will offer a morning and evening session of its Reading and Study Strategy seminar to be held during the spring semester. Through readings, films, and classroom exercises, students learn to read more purposively, selectively, and with greater speed and comprehension. The class, which meets for one hour a day, will be held Feb. 11 through March 15 (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) from 8 to 9 a.m. and from 4 to 5 p.m. The cost is $150.

To register, call the Bureau of Study Counsel at (617) at 495-2581.

Reischauer Institute seeks fellowship applicants

The Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies is offering graduate and undergraduate student fellowship support and summer research travel funding in the field of Japanese studies. These include Harvard postdoctoral fellowships in Japanese studies (for 2002-03), supplementary dissertation grants (for 2002-03), summer research grants for graduate students, summer language study grants for doctoral students, and undergraduate summer travel grants. The application deadline for these programs is Friday, March 1.

In addition, the institute is sponsoring conference attendance grants, dissertation production grants, student conference fee awards, and the Noma-Reischauer Prize in Japanese Studies. These programs have varying deadlines.

For further information and application materials, contact Ruiko Connor at the institute at (617) 495-3220.