In Brief
Famous couple cancels A.R.T. appearance
The American Repertory Theatre (A.R.T.) has announced that Nobel Prize-winning playwright and actor Dario Fo and his actress wife, Franca Rame, have canceled their trip to the United States in light of the recent events in New York and Washington, D.C.
The couple’s scheduled appearance at the theater was to be part of the A.R.T.’s Dario Fo Festival, celebrating the 50-year partnership of Fo and Rame. The festival was to include the couple’s trademark works “Mistero Buffo” and “Sex? Thanks, Don’t Mind if I Do!”
Tickets for these performances, scheduled for Sept. 20-29 at the Loeb Drama Center, will be reimbursed by the A.R.T. box office. For information, call (617) 547-8300.
Literary program to hold orientation meeting
The Dudley House fellows for literature invite members of the Harvard community interested in literature-related activities to attend an orientation meeting today (Thursday, Sept. 20) at 7 p.m., in the Fireside Room at Dudley House. Refreshments will be served.
The literature arts program at Dudley House sponsors an array of literature-based events and programs. Past events have included creative writing workshops, book discussions, open-mike nights, poetry readings, and the annual publication of the graduate literary magazine “The Dudley Review,” among others.
For more information, contact Phil Usher or Nathan Rein at (617) 496-5217, or visit
Countway to host Murray book-signing
Joseph Murray, professor of surgery emeritus at Harvard Medical School, will sign copies of his recently published autobiography, “Surgery of the Soul: Reflections on a Curious Career” (Science History Publication, 2001), at the Countway Library on Tuesday, Oct. 2, at 5:30 p.m. In the book, Murray, who received the 1990 Noble Prize in Medicine for performing the first successful kidney transplant, tells not only his own story but also those of 14 of the patients whom he helped throughout his career.
Charlesworth to lecture on law and feminism
Hilary Charlesworth ’86, professor and director of the Centre for International and Public Law at the Australian National University in Canberra, will deliver a lecture titled, “What Feminist Is That?: Feminism and International Law,” on Tuesday, Sept. 25, at 4:15 p.m., at the Law School’s Pound Hall, Room 106. Charlesworth, author of “The Boundaries of International Law: A Feminist Analysis” (Manchester University Press, 2000), teaches international human rights law.
MFA concert to feature Harvard senior
Lee Poulis ’02 will perform in a concert featuring Metropolitan Opera Regional Audition winners at the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA), Boston, on Sunday, Sept. 23, at 3 p.m.
Poulis, a baritone who received a special encouragement award in the opera’s New England Regional Auditions in February, will be joined by regional first-place winner soprano Joanna Mongiardo at the MFA’s Remis Auditorium recital. William Lumpkin, music director of the Boston University Opera Institute, will be the concert’s host and pianist.
Tickets for the recital, which cost $8, are available from the museum at (617) 369-3306, or in person at the Remis Auditorium box office. The auditorium is wheelchair-accessible.
For more information, call (617) 369-3300, or visit the MFA Web site at
Ogletree to host males in violence forum
Charles Ogletree, the Jesse Climenko Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, will host and moderate a forum on the cultural forces of male violence on Wednesday, Oct. 3, at 9:30 a.m., at the World Trade Center in Boston. The roundtable discussion, which is titled “From Boys to Men: Ending the Cycle of Violence,” will feature noted academic experts, service providers, and community leaders.
Sponsored by Casa Myrna Vazquez Inc. and the Simmons College Graduate School of Social Work, the event is free and open to the public.
HMNH announces free after-school program
The Harvard Museum of Natural History (HMNH) will kick off its free science education program on Wednesday, Sept. 26, from 3 to 5 p.m. The Museum Explorer’s Wild Wednesdays program is designed to engage and inspire young people ages 6 to 16 from low and moderate-income families in Greater Boston who are enrolled in after-school programs. HMNH staff and volunteers conduct the program, which will be offered free of charge to after-school programs every Wednesday through May 29. In addition, the museum offers free admission every Wednesday from 3 to 5 p.m. from September through May to all members of the general public.
To make reservations to bring a supervised group of young people from an after-school program to the museum, call HMNH at (617) 495-2341.
– Compiled by Andrew Brooks