Tag: William R. Fitzsimmons

  • Campus & Community

    Yielding strong results

    More than three-quarters of the 2,110 students admitted to Harvard’s Class of 2014 say they will attend the College.

  • Campus & Community

    A historic year for Harvard admissions

    Harvard admits 2,110 out of more than 30,000 applicants to the Class of 2014, a 6.9 percent acceptance rate. More than 60 percent of the new students will receive need-based scholarships averaging $40,000.

  • Campus & Community

    Admissions process

    The tradition of careful, individual review of applications to Harvard College goes back to its earliest days. Each application receives as many as four readings prior to selection meetings.

  • Campus & Community

    A first for Harvard

    For the first time in Harvard’s history, more than 30,000 students have applied for undergraduate admission. Applications have doubled since 1994, and about half of the increase has come since the University implemented a series of financial aid initiatives over the past five years to ensure that a Harvard College education remains accessible and affordable…

  • Campus & Community

    Sifting Your Harvard Questions, Looking For Parenting (and Other) Lessons

    Before closing the book on William R. Fitzsimmons’s turn answering reader questions about Harvard, we wanted to reflect a bit more on the content of those questions — which ultimately topped 900.

  • Campus & Community

    Guidance Office: Answers From Harvard’s Dean, Last of 5 Parts

    Today, The Choice presents the fifth (and final) installment of its reader Q&A with William R. Fitzsimmons, the longtime dean of admission and financial aid at Harvard College.

  • Campus & Community

    Guidance Office: Answers From Harvard’s Dean, Part 4

    In today’s installment, he discusses how the admissions committee weighs the essay portion of the application, and tracks admissions decisions long after the applicant in question has graduated Harvard.

  • Campus & Community

    Guidance Office: Answers From Harvard’s Dean: Part 3

    In today’s installment, William R. Fitzsimmons discusses how the admissions committee considers extracurricular activities (as with anything in admissions, there is no one-size-fits-all approach), as well as the importance of teacher and counselor recommendations. (Such references, the dean writes below, are sometimes projected onto a screen during committee deliberations, so that all can see them.)

  • Campus & Community

    Guidance Office: Answers From Harvard’s Dean, Part 1

    Over the last two days, The Choice has fielded nearly 900 questions for William R. Fitzsimmons, the longtime dean of admissions and financial aid at Harvard.

  • Campus & Community

    Admissions Dean Fitzsimmons honored by Access

    William R. Fitzsimmons, Harvard College’s dean of admissions and financial aid, was honored last night (April 15) by Access, the leading provider of financial aid, scholarships, and valuable advice to Boston high school students. The dean was recognized for his outstanding work ensuring that institutions of higher learning are affordable and accessible to everyone.

  • Campus & Community

    A record pool leads to a record-low admissions rate

    A record applicant pool of 27,462 has led to an admission rate of 7.1 percent, the lowest in the history of Harvard College. Traditional admission letters (and e-mails) were sent on March 31 to 1,948 students. Last year 2,058 applicants were admitted from a pool of 22,955.

  • Campus & Community

    A record applicant pool for the College

    In the first year without early action, more than 27,000 students have applied to Harvard for entrance next September, shattering the previous record of 22,955 set this past year. Harvard eliminated its early action program starting with the Class of 2012 because early admission programs tend to disadvantage students from modest economic backgrounds and often…

  • Campus & Community

    Beyond early admissions

    Harvard, Princeton and the University of Virginia scout the Southeast in a joint recruitment trip, advertising affordability and economic diversity.