Tag: “War and Peace”

  • Arts & Culture

    Who is your favorite literary hero, villain?

    Some of Harvard’s best-known readers, writers weigh in.

    7 minutes
    Book covers: "Ulysses"; "The Plague"; "Sabbath's Theater"; "The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ"; "Water-blue Eyes"; "Othello"; "Breakfast at Tiffany's"; "Reynard the Fox."
  • Arts & Culture

    Sing me Ishmael

    Dave Malloy, who turned “War and Peace” into Tony Award-winning musical, takes on “Moby-Dick.”

    4 minutes
    Rehearsing "Moby-Dick."
  • Arts & Culture

    The ‘American Schindler’

    Author Julie Orringer’s latest novel, “The Flight Portfolio,” tells the story of Harvard graduate Varian Fry, a journalist and editor sometimes referred to as the “American Schindler,” who worked in France during World War II to help save Jewish members of Europe’s cultural elite from Nazi concentration camps. Orringer worked on the book during a…

    8 minutes
    Julie Orringer.