Tag: Walter Willet

  • Health

    Sorry, fries are no match for almonds

    A Harvard expert challenges a new study that suggests there is little difference between eating a 300-calorie serving of french fries and a 300-calorie serving of almonds every day for a month, in terms of weight gain or other markers for diabetes risk.

    2 minutes
    Choosing healthy or harmful food. Almond nuts or French fries in hand
  • Health

    Right this way! See it! Taste it!

    Former FDA commissioner David Kessler says overeating has to be attacked the same way that tobacco was in the past, by making it socially unacceptable.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Harvard nutritionists take aim at sugary drinks

    Comparing the nation’s obesity epidemic to a house on fire, Harvard nutrition experts took aim at sugar-sweetened beverages Monday (April 20), recommending the creation of a new, low-sugar alternative and urging adults and children alike to quench their thirsts the natural way — with water.

    3 minutes