• Health

    Coronavirus likely now ‘gathering steam’

    Harvard’s Marc Lipsitch said evidence indicates that the international cordon keeping coronavirus cases bottled up in China is a leaky one, and it’s likely that the relative handful of global cases reported so far are undercounted. If true, that will lead to widespread illness internationally, including in the U.S.

    10 minutes
    Patients in a makeshift hospital in China.
  • Health

    What we know — and don’t know — about the coronavirus outbreak

    As the number of coronavirus cases rapidly grows, the Gazette spoke with Professor of Epidemiology Marc Lipsitch, an expert in the spread of infectious disease and director of the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics.

    7 minutes
    People with masks on at a Chinese metro station.
  • Health

    Flu’s coming, but which kind?

    With a new flu virus appearing in China in April and a new SARS-like respiratory ailment appearing in the Middle East, the Gazette sat down with Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch to talk about the upcoming flu season.

    10 minutes
  • Nation & World

    After 9/11, health lessons ignored

    The public health lessons of 9/11 and subsequent anthrax attacks haven’t been learned, said Pulitzer Prize-winning author Laurie Garrett during a talk at the Harvard School of Public Health.

    5 minutes