Tag: Public Opinion

  • Science & Tech

    Red flags rise on global warming and the seas

    The world’s oceans, glaciers, and ice caps are under assault by climate change. The Gazette spoke with former Obama science adviser John Holdren about the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report examining the threat.

    11 minutes
    John Holdren
  • Science & Tech

    Small media, big payback

    Researchers found that if just three outlets write about a particular major national policy topic, discussion of that topic across social media rises by more than 62 percent.

    7 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    A national perspective on climate change

    Director of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication Anthony Leiserowitz spoke at a Harvard Kennedy School seminar called “Climate Change in the American Mind.”

    3 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Doubting Thomas nation

    Why aren’t you listening? Scientists discuss the difficulty of transferring scientific consensus to the public.

    5 minutes