Tag: Panama

  • Campus & Community

    Rubén Blades (finally!) receives Harvard Arts Medal

    Acclaimed salsa singer and composer Rubén Blades, LL.M. ’85, also known as the “Poet of Salsa,” was awarded the 2022 Harvard Arts Medal in a ceremony at Sanders Theatre.

    6 minutes
    Ruben Blades with Harvard Jazz BAND.
  • Science & Tech

    Going where the diversity is

    Two graduate students from Arnold Arboretum have created the Mamoní Valley Preserve Natural History Project, an ongoing series of student-led field expeditions designed to increase our understanding of how biodiversity can persevere in the face of climate change, deforestation, and human disturbance.

    8 minutes
    Men walking with collection bags.
  • Health

    Cocoa shows promise as next wonder drug

    A big problem facing Americans and Europeans is the dangerous rise in blood pressure with age, increasing their risk of heart disease and diabetes. Kuna Indians living off the Caribbean coast of Panama don’t have that problem. Norman Hollenberg, a professor of radiology at Harvard Medical School, is convinced that it’s because they drink more…

    6 minutes