Tag: Insomnia

  • Health

    Less rest, more stress for the weary

    New study highlights a correlation between women who sleep less than eight hours at night and developing a greater risk for hypertension or high blood pressure.

    3 minutes
    Woman not sleeping with clock showing 3 a.m.
  • Health

    Insomnia in a pandemic

    The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health hosted an online forum on “Coronavirus, social distancing, and acute insomnia: How to avoid chronic sleep problems before they get started.”

    4 minutes
    Man in bed suffering insomnia.
  • Science & Tech

    Wake-up call

    Insomnia is costing the average U.S. worker 11.3 days, or $2,280, in lost productivity every year, according to a study led by Ronald Kessler of Harvard Medical School.

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