Tag: Harvard University Center for the Environment

  • Nation & World

    Engineered weathering process might mitigate climate change

    Researchers at Harvard University and Penn State University have invented a technology, inspired by nature, to reduce the accumulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) caused by human emissions. By electrochemically…

    4 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Foraging for forest frogs

    In the dark of the Sri Lankan cloud forest, the researchers’ only guides were the headlamps they used to light up the night, illuminating the cold, gray mist that drifted…

    7 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Fossil fuels, conservation in energy future

    The BP Group Executive Director Iain Conn forecasts an energy future where fossil fuels still make up the bulk of world energy production, but in which demand is far higher,…

    2 minutes
  • Nation & World

    End of the fossil fuel era?

    A car about to run out of gas can be traveling 70 mph until the moment the tank runs dry. Good thing cars have fuel gauges. While the world economy…

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  • Nation & World

    Climate choices: Grim and grimmer

    Climate change from burning fossil fuels is probably already unavoidable, but it is still up to humans to decide just how bad it will be, Professor of Earth and Planetary…

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  • Nation & World

    Zoning the Atlantic

    Massachusetts Secretary of Environmental Affairs Ellen Roy Herzfelder outlined Monday (March 21) what state officials hope will become the nation’s first ocean management plan to provide guidance for development projects…

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  • Nation & World

    McElroy says it’s time to stop seeing global warming as political issue

    Michael B. McElroy, Gilbert Butler Professor of Environmental Studies and director of Harvard’s Center for the Environment, is among the scientists who since the 1970s have been using paleoclimatic data…

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  • Nation & World

    Helping clear the air in China

    Across China’s industrial areas, black soot settles into people’s lungs and bronchial tubes, producing an annual epidemic of respiratory disease. That’s the result of heating homes, schools, and offices with…

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