Tag: Geologists

  • Campus & Community

    Earthwatch comes to Allston

    Earthwatch Institute, a leading international nonprofit environmental group, announces plans to move its headquarters and staff to a Harvard-owned building in Allston. The group hopes to build partnerships with the community and the University.

    5 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Signs of ‘snowball Earth’

    Researchers find strong clues that sea ice covered tropical climes, including the equator, 716.5 million years ago, suggesting there was a time of a “snowball Earth.”

    3 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Oceans are back on Mars

    Since spacecraft sent back the first close-up images of Mars more than 30 years ago, some experts have insisted that oceans once existed on the now dry, cold planet. Critics have maintained for decades that such an idea is the product of unrestrained imaginations. Now, a study published in today’s (June 14) issue of the…

    5 minutes