Tag: Endothelial cells

  • Science & Tech

    Exposing how pancreatic cancer does its dirty work

    New research has found that pancreatic cancer actively destroys nearby blood vessels and replaces them with cancerous cells, blocking chemotherapy from reaching tumors. This insight could lead to new treatments that act by preventing cancer’s colonization of blood vessels.

    6 minutes
    Pancreatic cancer cell
  • Health

    Metastasis study illuminates how cancer will ‘hijack’ healthy cells

    A study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital offers a new view of how cancer cells extend their reach, co-opting and transforming normal cells through “metastatic hijacking.” The researchers also found that in preclinical models, pharmacological intervention can prevent this from occurring.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Rare find

    Researchers at Harvard Medical School and the Harvard School of Dental Medicine have found that by mimicking a rare genetic disorder in a dish they can rewind the internal clock of a mature cell and drive it back into an adult stem-cell stage.

    3 minutes