Tag: E-cigarette

  • Health

    Want to quit smoking? There’s the e-cigarette

    A new study provides critical population-level evidence demonstrating that using e-cigarettes daily helps U.S. smokers to quit smoking cigarettes.

    3 minutes
    Man smoking a cigarette
  • Health

    Controversy over e-cigarette flavorings heats up

    A new study finds two chemicals commonly used to flavor e-cigarettes may be damaging cilia production and function in the human airway.

    3 minutes
    hand holding an electronic cigarette
  • Health

    Teen vaping rising fast, research says

    Amid studies showing e-cigarette use rising rapidly among teens, public health officials who recognize the devices’ potential to reduce health hazards discuss the need to tailor their message to keep the devices out of the hands of the young, according to the head of Harvard’s Center for Global Tobacco Control.

    14 minutes
    A vape pen and vape smoke
  • Health

    E-cigarette battle heats up

    In a talk titled “Can E-cigarette Regulation Protect the Public’s Health? Making Sense of the Science,” public health experts speaking at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Thursday said they worry the battery-powered smokes may provide a dangerous gateway for teens and others to start smoking.

    3 minutes