Tag: Cardiac

  • Health

    Surgeries fail to return to pre-pandemic levels

    Reductions in surgical procedures precipitated by SARS-CoV-2 have not fully returned to their pre-pandemic levels, resulting in severe backlogs and deferred surgeries.

    4 minutes
    Surgeons in operating room.
  • Health

    Coronavirus and the heart

    Heart damage has recently emerged as yet another grim outcome in the virus’s repertoire of possible complications.

    8 minutes
    heart model.
  • Health

    The bionic cardiac patch

    Harvard Professor Charles Lieber and other scientists conducted a study that describes the construction of nanoscale electronic scaffolds that can be seeded with cardiac cells to produce a bionic cardiac patch.

    3 minutes
  • Health

    Making old hearts younger

    Two Harvard Stem Cell Institute researchers have identified a protein in the blood of mice and humans that may prove to be the first effective treatment for the form of age-related heart failure that affects millions of Americans, a study says.

    7 minutes