Tag: Alan M. Dershowitz

  • Nation & World

    The day the president died

    Five from Harvard remember where they were when President John F. Kennedy was killed on Nov. 22, 1963, and what effect the shooting had on their lives.

    16 minutes
  • Campus & Community

    It was a very good year

    With its 360th Commencement, another chapter in Harvard’s history draws to a close, as marked by highlights from this year. Reinstallation of ROTC, ongoing innovation in science and humanities, and Wynton Marsalis at Harvard top off some of the year’s historical benchmarks.

    17 minutes
  • Arts & Culture

    A new kind of aria from Dershowitz

    “Yo-Yo Ma was over the house yesterday … he was begging me to go to the piano and play a few notes and I said I wasn’t ready yet.” While the renowned composer John Williams could have uttered those words, last week they belonged to Harvard’s Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law Alan M. Dershowitz, who…

    5 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Pre-emption: Preventive, coercive, or both?

    In the wake of 9/11, how to defend the country in a new age of terrorism has sparked an ongoing, often divisive debate. Some consider tactics like pre-emption, the right to use force to respond to an imminent threat, and preventive war, the use of force to prevent a serious threat from worsening over time,…

    5 minutes