Science & Tech

What prompts genetic adaptation? Ask a finch.

Bohao Fang holding a house finch.

Bohao Fang holding a house finch during a field study trip in Kirtland, New Mexico.

Photo by Kelsie Lopez

4 min read

Groundbreaking pangenomic study suggests big DNA flip may have made small bird resistant to some diseases

Could a novel approach to genetic studies give us a clearer picture of how evolutionary adaptations occur? That’s what the findings of new research on a common backyard bird, the house finch, imply. A groundbreaking pangenomic study has revealed a major DNA flip that appears to have made the small bird resistant to certain diseases.

In his paper “Fitness consequences of structural variation inferred from a House Finch pangenome,” published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology postdoctoral fellow Bohao Fang used advanced sequencing and a new pangenomic approach to get a better, broader view of genetic adaptation. Combining the genomic information of many individual specimens, this approach looks at a large pool of genetic information and provides a “higher resolution on the genetic information,” said Fang.

“Traditionally people study the genetic variation in a single base pair [of DNA],” explained Fang, a researcher in the Edwards lab. While earlier studies had focused on specific genes in the hope of deciphering what Fang calls “the heritable genetic mechanism underlying disease resistance,” the narrower focus of these studies offered no clear results. However, by studying a broader stretch of DNA, “We find the long-read sequencing that can help us catch important large-scale structural variations that otherwise might be missed.”

In the house finch, this new approach revealed a DNA inversion that has existed for millions of years — and that may have helped the bird fight off infection.

“This gives us a better picture about how in the wild, without vaccines, evolution can respond to new diseases.”

Bohao Fang

“The house finch is a really great model to study a coevolution of a host and a disease,” said Fang. This project, he said, began in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, when he became interested in the development of natural resistance to widespread diseases. The house finch and its reaction to a conjunctivitis-causing bacterial pathogen that spread across the U.S. beginning in 1994 provided a good example. The Museum of Comparative Zoology had maintained sequenced house finch DNA samples dating back to 2000, giving Fang “a really great resource” for research.

This large pool allowed Fang to “read the big picture in the DNA and see how this wild bird responded evolutionarily to this disease.” By studying genetic material collected over time — both before and after an epizootic — “You can see how it evolved to develop some immunity to this disease.

“This gives us a better picture about how in the wild, without vaccines, evolution can respond to new diseases.”

Although more research needs to be done, Fang said, this study shows how a structural variant — that is, a large DNA change — “might potentially be contributing this kind of adaptive evolution to fight the disease.”

“These offer a really great real-life example of how a species deals with a new pathogen,” Fang explained. “This also gives us clues about how other animals, even humans, might genetically respond to the infectious disease over time.”

“Bohao’s work really points the way to the future of population genomic studies in birds, and in other natural populations generally. The pangenome approaches that he used provide a better — and more balanced — representation of genetic variation within a species,” said Scott V. Edwards, professor of organismal and evolutionary biology, curator of ornithology, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology in the MCZ, and the co-author on the study.

“By not using just a single reference individual to score variation of the whole population, the pangenome approach not only is much less biased but will also make it easier for scientists studying wild animals to make new discoveries. The large inversion that Bohao found was correlated with pathogen prevalence in the house finches that would have been invisible to us without these new approaches.”