Tag: Richard Neustadt

  • Campus & Community

    Al Gore named Class Day speaker

    Al Gore has been chosen to speak on Class Day, the day before Harvard’s 368th Commencement. The former vice president, a Nobel Prize laureate and Harvard alumnus, has had a long career in public service and since leaving office has devoted his life to raising awareness of the threat of climate change.

    4 minutes
    Al Gore
  • Nation & World

    What would Dick do?

    A panel including Al Gore, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Roger Porter, and Harvey Fineberg, with Graham Allison moderating, discussed what Richard Neustadt would have thought of the Trump presidency on the 100th anniversary of the late Kennedy School professor’s birth.

    4 minutes
    Al Gore (l to r), former Harvard Provost Harvey Fineberg, and Roger Porter, current HKS Professor of Business and Government, share a laugh during a discussion on the presidency in the 21st century. J
  • Campus & Community

    Thomas Schelling, Nobelist and game theory pioneer, 95

    Thomas C. Schelling, a major figure in shaping the modern Harvard Kennedy School and a 2005 Nobel Prize winner in economics, died at 95.

    5 minutes