Tag: Perkins School for the Blind

  • Campus & Community

    Seeing past disabilities in the job search

    Harvard Extension School and the Perkins School for the Blind have teamed up to create a self-paced edX course that will educate recruiters and hiring managers in best practices when considering a job candidate with a disability.

    4 minutes
  • Arts & Culture

    Radcliffe exhibit turns touch into sight

    “Calm. Smoke rises vertically” at Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study’s Johnson-Kulukundis Family Gallery is designed for the blind and hearing-impaired, but gives the sighted a unique experience as well.

    8 minutes
    Artist Wendy Jacob (grey shirt) has created an installation with the blind and hearing impaired in mind. She tours the exhibit with writer, Nina Livingstone, (black dress) who is blind and hearing impaired. The exhibit features vibrating walls and architectural models from schools for the blind and is housed at the Johnson-Kulukundis Family Gallery in Byerly Hall. Kris Snibbe/Harvard Staff Photographer