Tag: Luminary

  • Campus & Community

    Donald James Martino

    At a Meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences on October 21, 2008, the Minute honoring the life and service of the late Donald James Martino, Walter Bigelow Rosen Professor of Music, Emeritus, was placed upon the records. Martino was one of the leading American composers of the twentieth century.

    5 minutes
  • Campus & Community

    Civil rights legend recognized for years of service

    At times, the best way to truly honor those who have selflessly and tirelessly served is with a simple “thank you.”

    2 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Kozol campaigns for educational reform

    At times as he spoke in the Memorial Church last Thursday (Sept. 20) Jonathan Kozol, educator, activist, and author, sounded more fervent than an impassioned man of God preaching eternal salvation.

    5 minutes
  • Science & Tech

    Light and matter united

    Lene Hau has already shaken scientists’ beliefs about the nature of things. Albert Einstein and just about every other physicist insisted that light travels 186,000 miles a second in free space, and that it can’t be speeded-up or slowed down. But in 1998, Hau, for the first time in history, slowed light to 38 miles…

    5 minutes