Tag: internship

  • Campus & Community

    David Rockefeller International Experience Grants Program

    In the second year of the David Rockefeller International Experience Grants Program, more than 400 Harvard College students accepted funding for international internships, volunteer projects, study abroad programs, and research opportunities in 53 countries across the world.

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  • Nation & World

    Weissman Program names interns for ’07

    The Weissman International Internship Program, established by Paul (’52) and Harriet Weissman in 1994, provides sophomores and juniors with the opportunity to intern abroad in a field of work related to their career and academic goals. The Weissman Program enables students to develop a richer understanding of the global community in which they live and…

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  • Campus & Community

    Noyce Scholarships provide incentive for public school internships

    Among the topics in the national conversation on education during the past few years have been teacher retention (particularly for high-needs schools) and the lack of math and science educators in primary and secondary settings. The National Science Foundation’s Robert Noyce Scholarship — which was awarded this year to 10 master’s students from the Harvard…

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