Tag: Immaculata De Vivo

  • Health

    Power and pitfalls of gene editing

    CRISPR gene-editing technology has conquered the lab and is poised to lead to new treatments for human disease. Experts consider the promise and peril at Radcliffe.

    5 minutes
    Panelists at Racliffe discussing gene editing.
  • Health

    Mediterranean diet has marked impact on aging

    Researchers at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital have found that greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet was associated with longer telomeres, which serve as a biomarker for aging.

    2 minutes
  • Health

    Hormone receptor variation linked to cancer risk

    Endometrial cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women in this country, according to National Cancer Institute statistics. Progesterone’s important protective role showed up three decades ago, articulated in…

    1 minute