Strong tradition, new directions for Harvard Theological Review
For more than 100 years, Harvard Theological Review has been a leading source for compelling original research from established scholars in the fields of religion and theology.
Now, the Review has a new managing editor, and the journal’s editors are aiming to build upon its legacy of embracing the history and philosophy of religious thought in all traditions and periods by publishing more articles from other fields than those in which it has historically focused.
“When it was begun in 1908, the fields HTR covered were, like all academic fields, much smaller and more manageable, with far fewer scholars involved in their pursuit, than they are today. As a general journal in what are now very capacious academic fields, HTR has long striven to present articles representing a range of the subfields,” said co-editors Jon Levenson, Albert A. List Professor of Jewish Studies at HDS, and Kevin Madigan, Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History at HDS. “For several decades, HTR was privileged to have distinguished scholars of the New Testament and early Christianity as its editors. Scholars in those fields tend to see it therefore as, in part, a specialized journal of their discipline. This trend has continued during our editorship. Our goal from the start has been to carry more articles from other fields, including later periods of Christianity as well as other religions in all periods, and we think we have had some noticeable success in that.”
To learn how to submit an article, or how to subscribe, visit HTR online.