
Spring planting under way in the Arboretum landscape

2 min read

Though spring seemed to get a bit of a late start in Boston this year, spring planting is already well under way at the Arnold Arboretum. Staff horticulturists are adding many trees, shrubs, and vines from our nurseries to their new locations in the landscape. This season’s additions to the living collection—including about 75 individual trees—represent plants collected on botanical expeditions, species of conservation value, and adjuncts to several of the Arboretum’s national collections and visitor destinations.

Among the “class of 2013” are young specimens birch (Betula spp.), hornbeam (Carpinus spp.), and holly (Ilex spp.), to name just a few. Many new accessions of species and ornamental roses will enhance new beds established last fall at the entrance to the Bradley Rosaceous Collection. Plants obtained on a 2008 staff expedition to the Adirondack Mountains are also finding their way into the landscape this spring, including red maple (Acer rubrum), mountain maple (A. spicatum), and two species of cherry (Prunus serotina and P. virginiana). The red maple, Accession #567-2008*B, was planted on Arbor Day during a special gathering and tour in the Maple Collection, an honors those who lost their lives or were injured in connection with the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15.