PBHA raises funds for Boston camps, Cambridge youth
The Phillips Brooks House Association (PBHA) is hosting its annual auction at the Cambridge Queen’s Head Pub in Memorial Hall on Tuesday, April 23. Auction proceeds go directly toward supporting PBHA’s Summer Urban Program (SUP), a network of 12 student-run summer camps that benefit more than 800 children in Boston and Cambridge.
This year’s event honors Mel King, Boston educator, social activist, and community organizer, and his wife Joyce.
The silent auction will take place from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., with more than 70 items along with hors d’oeuvres, drinks, and musical entertainment leading up a live auction featuring MIX 104.1’s Kennedy Elsey from Karson and Kennedy. Tickets are $40 in advance $45 at the door.
PBHA is an independent, student-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit at Harvard University that each year engages 1,500 students in more than 80 service programs benefiting 10,000 people in Greater Boston.
SUP meets several critical needs and is one of the largest and most affordable summer program for youth from low-income families in Boston and Cambridge. In addition to serving approximately 800 local children, SUP camps offer summer employment to another 100 at-risk high-school students from the same communities as the camps. The camps provide academic enrichment and afternoons devoted to field trips, teen jobs and leadership development. Camps in neighborhoods with a history of violence between them come together for weekly relationship building, and all 12 camps unite for a midsummer celebration planned by the high-school-age counselors.
For more information.