Michael B. McElroy awarded William Bowie Medal, highest honor of the American Geophysical Union

Michael B. McElroy, the Gilbert Butler Professor of Environmental Studies at Harvard University and Chair of the Harvard-China Project on Energy, Economy, and Environment, has been named the 2024 recipient of the William Bowie Medal, the highest honor conferred by the American Geophysical Union (AGU).
The William Bowie Medal from the AGU — a global community supporting more than half a million advocates and professionals in the Earth and space sciences — annually honors one senior scientist’s contribution to the field of earth and space science, while also recognizing their demonstrated commitment to fostering collaboration in research far beyond the scope of their professional duties.
With a distinguished career spanning over six decades, McElroy has been a pioneering force in atmospheric research, where he has focused on the causes and impact of human-induced stratospheric ozone depletion and climate change. More recently his research has broadened to include also energy sciences and addressing the decarbonization imperative in rapidly developing countries such as China and India as well as high-income ones like the United States. Through his career he has authored more than 300 journal articles, four single-authored books, and three edited volumes.
He joined Harvard University in 1970, and has since held various posts: director of the Center for Earth and Planetary Physics (1975-1978); founding chair of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (1986-2000); chair of the University-wide Committee on the Environment (1991-2001); and the first director of the Center for the Environment (2001-2004). He has been, since 1997, the Gilbert Butler Professor of Environmental Sciences.
McElroy was also awarded, in his early career, the AGU’s James B. Macelwane Prize for contributions in the field of planetary atmospheres. He holds an honorary Doctor of Science from Queen’s University in Belfast. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Association for the Advanced of Science, the Royal Irish Academy of Arts and Science and, of course, the American Geophysical Union.
In 1993, McElroy founded the Harvard-China Project on Energy, Economy, and Environment, based at the Harvard Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and has dedicated more than 30 years to growing U.S.-China scholarly collaborations across its broad scope. Under his leadership, with colleagues from other Harvard Schools, the Harvard-China Project works with partner institutions in China to conduct rigorous, peer-reviewed research on the global challenges of climate change, air quality, energy systems, economic development, environmental health, and policy.